Our Services

New Markets

An important part of our services includes new business development and entering selected markets. We help our clients enter markets in a specific geographic locations or niche ethnic segments. Our services specialize in the United States, Latin America, Africa, and other geographic locations. Our team of senior advisors helps our clients accelerate the process to enter a market thorough a strong network and a solid understanding of the healthcare procurement process.

Value-Based Experts

Providing specialized support and consulting for clients with high-risk patient populations with complex, chronic conditions or advanced-stage illnesses.

We help our clients with solutions for complex care journeys. Through a multidisciplinary model that proactively manages risk and addresses social and behavioral health factors, we can help our clients reduce hospital and inpatient admissions and bed days — while improving health outcomes and decreasing cost of care.

Risk & Healthcare Operations

An important part of our services includes new business development and entering selected markets. We help our clients enter markets in a specific geographic locations or niche ethnic segments. Our services specialize in the United States, Latin America, Africa, and other geographic locations.

Our team of senior advisors helps our clients accelerate the process to enter a market thorough a strong network and a solid understanding of the healthcare procurement process.

Transaction Support Mergers and Acquisitions

Raul Vazquez is in a unique position to help clients with a merger or for medical practices to be acquired. Our team provides business valuation opinions to support transactions for mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures in the healthcare industry.

In addition to providing value to an operating business our team has the network to help facilitate deals and gain interest from prospects. Our founder has ample experience appraising individual components of a business.

General Healthcare Business Strategy

At RVHC we understand the unique intricacies of the healthcare industry. We provide business consulting to corporations of all sizes dealing with healthcare industry changes. Our team will support decision making at all levels. Including the evaluation of new markets, cultural differences in existing markets and compliance with new regulations.

Patient and Member Engagement

Our team helps clients increase engagement with members through data analytics, communications platforms consulting and strategy to increase success with specific minority market segments.